- May
- 62
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TCC 25.00.23 x64 Windows 10 [Version 10.0.18362.476]
For the following tcexit.btm
If I exit an instance of TakeCommand by executing EXIT at the command prompt of the single remaining tab the following output occurs:
However, if I exit by clicking the X button window control or the X Close window option on the Taskbar icon or selecting the Menu Bar HOME EXIT option the following output occurs:
For the following tcexit.btm
:: tcexit.btm
echo Pipe %_pipe Trans %_transient > c:\Users\Public\test_output\1before_if
if %_pipe != "0" .or. %_transient != "0" quit
echo Pipe %_pipe Trans %_transient > c:\Users\Public\test_output\2after_if
If I exit an instance of TakeCommand by executing EXIT at the command prompt of the single remaining tab the following output occurs:
Directory of C:\Users\Public\test_output\*
11/14/2019 20:03 16 1before_if
11/14/2019 20:03 16 2after_if
32 bytes in 2 files and 0 dirs
>cat 1before_if
Pipe 0 Trans 0
>cat 2after_if
Pipe 0 Trans 0
However, if I exit by clicking the X button window control or the X Close window option on the Taskbar icon or selecting the Menu Bar HOME EXIT option the following output occurs:
Directory of C:\Users\Public\test_output\*
11/14/2019 20:46 16 1before_if
16 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
>cat 1before_if
Pipe 0 Trans 0
Why isn't the second ECHO command executed for these exit cases???