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Take Command v10 beta build 41 uploaded


Staff member
I've uploaded build 41 to the ftp beta area:


This includes fixes for:

* Slightly faster startup for TCMD
* Fix for IDE font not being restored when restarting
* The IDE variable & watch windows now use the same (saved) font
as the edit windows
* Fix for problem in the IDE edit windows with clipping the rightmost
pixel or two of key words
* Workaround for FTP server problems with filenames with embedded []'s
* Updates to the German translation
* Adding or deleting a folder in the TCMD list view window now updates
the tree view window
* Miscellaneous minor fixes / tweaks in tree view / list view integration
On Sun 25-Jan-09 10:30am -0600, rconn wrote:

.> I've uploaded build 41 to the ftp beta area:

For more than a week now, the IDE has been functioning - the
F10 command now actually does a Step Over.

Perhaps I'm expecting the IDE to do something different that
what you intend. I created a simple batch file (add.btm):

set x=2
set y=3
set z=%@eval[%x+%y]
echo %z
unset x y z

When I start from TCC 10.00.41, type ide c:\util\add.btm and
do F5, the batch variables window says: 0=c:\util\add.btm

Pressing F10 repeatedly doesn't change the display of the
batch variables window. I don't see the variables changing
/ displaying.

I can go to the watch window and type in all the batch
variables - that will show them change, but in a long batch
files it is too much typing.

The last line of my sample batch file is an unset. Those
variable are not unset as seen in both the Watch window and
the Environment window.

Best regards,
4nt 8.02.106 / tcmd 9.02.152 cp 2.11.34 on xp pro sp3
BillMc wrote:

> Perhaps I'm expecting the IDE to do something different that
> what you intend. I created a simple batch file (add.btm):
> set x=2
> set y=3
> set z=%@eval[%x+%y]
> echo %z
> unset x y z
> When I start from TCC 10.00.41, type ide c:\util\add.btm and
> do F5, the batch variables window says: 0=c:\util\add.btm
> Pressing F10 repeatedly doesn't change the display of the
> batch variables window. I don't see the variables changing
> / displaying.

The batch variable windows only displays the %0 - %n batch file
parameters. If you want to see x, y, and z, you have to look in the
environment variables window or put them into the watch window.

Rex Conn
JP Software
BillMc wrote:

> set x=2
> set y=3
> set z=%@eval[%x+%y]
> echo %z
> unset x y z
> The last line of my sample batch file is an unset. Those
> variable are not unset as seen in both the Watch window and
> the Environment window.

The variables *are* being unset, but since the batch file exits at that
point the watch window and environment variable windows are no longer
being updated. Put an "echo foo" after the UNSET command and you'll see
X, Y, and Z being removed from the environment.

Rex Conn
JP Software
Significantly faster startup time for me. There is only a minimal delay after acknowledging the beta prompt. Much better than build 39!

One suggestion... when you create TCMD icons, can you set the working folder to C:\? I think that would be a much better default than the TCMD program folder. I always manually change the icons and figure I'm not the only one.
On Sun 25-Jan-09 4:49pm -0600, rconn wrote:

> BillMc wrote:
> ---Quote---
>> set x=2
>> set y=3
>> set z=%@eval[%x+%y]
>> echo %z
>> unset x y z
>> The last line of my sample batch file is an unset. Those
>> variable are not unset as seen in both the Watch window and
>> the Environment window.
> ---End Quote---
> The variables *are* being unset, but since the batch file exits at that
> point the watch window and environment variable windows are no longer
> being updated. Put an "echo foo" after the UNSET command and you'll see
> X, Y, and Z being removed from the environment.

Thanks, I see that those variables are being reset.

Is there a fairly easy way of adding variables from the
source batch file to the Watch Window?

Best regards,
4nt 8.02.106 / tcmd 9.02.152 cp 2.11.34 on xp pro sp3
BillMc wrote:

> Thanks, I see that those variables are being reset.
> Is there a fairly easy way of adding variables from the
> source batch file to the Watch Window?

There isn't any way to have them automatically added. There's a menu
option in the Debug menu to add the current selection to the watch list.
Alternately, in the Environment variables window you can hide the
variables you're not interested in seeing.

Rex Conn
JP Software