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Access violation upon TC startup


I've just updated TC to v11 but it is at the moment unusable because conhost.exe always dies in an access violation as soon as it is attached to TC. This happens regardless of whether the console is a new one, created by TC, or an existing one which is being attached to TC. Also it happens both on TC x86 and x64.

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Japanese, and, since I bought the PC this week, my OS environment should be fairly clean.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm up for running a diag program or something, and/or report the address in conhost.exe where the AV occurrs if you want.

> I've just updated TC to v11 but it is at the moment unusable because
> conhost.exe always dies in an access violation as soon as it is
> attached to TC. This happens regardless of whether the console is a new
> one, created by TC, or an existing one which is being attached to TC.
> Also it happens both on TC x86 and x64.
> I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Japanese, and, since I bought the PC
> this week, my OS environment should be fairly clean.
> Any help would be appreciated. I'm up for running a diag program or
> something, and/or report the address in conhost.exe where the AV
> occurrs if you want.

TC never does anything with conhost, nor could it possibly do anything to
make conhost crash, without requiring an unbelievably catastrophic Windows
bug. The only thing that happens when a console app is attached is that TC
hides the console window and retrieves a handle to it.

We've never had any reports of any problems with Take Command, Windows 7,
and conhost.exe. The address in conhost.exe wouldn't be useful to us, but
you should definitely report it to Microsoft as it can only be a bug in
their program. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate here, and have never seen a
crash in conhost.exe. So I suspect the problem is either specific to your
system, or related to Windows 7 Japanese. I'm unsure if we have users
running in that configuration -- anybody else out there able to try this?

Rex Conn
JP Software
I'm not sure what's happening behind the scenes but a standard command prompt works just fine when used in standalone.

To clarify, although I said that TC was unusable, I'm experiencing an issue when I launch tcmd.exe and when I attach an existing command prompt to the TC UI. If I directly launch tcc.exe by double clicking it in Explorer, it seems that it works and gets along well with a conhost.