Using color /f in tcstart.bat seems to cause a problem if you then nest shells. It appears to mess with the number of lines in the shell.
How to reproduce:
- Create a simple color.ini file (I've attached mine) where tcstart.bat can find it.
- Create a simple tcstart.bat with the following line: "color /f color.ini"
- Run the following: echo %_ROWS & "%COMSPEC" /c echo hello & echo %_ROWS
If you do the above from Take Command, you should see that the _ROWS value decreases. If you run it from TCC.exe, it actually shrinks the window size!!
Change the line in tcstart.bat to "if %_SHELL eq 0 color /r color.ini"
While the workaround works fine, this behavior seems really weird.
How to reproduce:
- Create a simple color.ini file (I've attached mine) where tcstart.bat can find it.
- Create a simple tcstart.bat with the following line: "color /f color.ini"
- Run the following: echo %_ROWS & "%COMSPEC" /c echo hello & echo %_ROWS
If you do the above from Take Command, you should see that the _ROWS value decreases. If you run it from TCC.exe, it actually shrinks the window size!!
Change the line in tcstart.bat to "if %_SHELL eq 0 color /r color.ini"
While the workaround works fine, this behavior seems really weird.