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Background color not "sticking" in TCMD v11 x64 on Win7

More problems on WIn7 with TCMD v11 Build 30 x64: the background color doesn't "stick".

I defined "blue" (navy) as my background color, but other than with TCMD up to versions 10, that background color doesn't really "stick" in TCMD v11. Whenever I run a command in TCC inside TCMD v11, the actual output gets the right background color, but any remainder on the line gets the default black background.

I tried both with and without the "ANSI Colors" option in the TCC config - no difference in behavior.

See the screenshots on my Skydrive:

http://cid-d06d619dc9f536d4.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/TakeCommand11/Background color
> More problems on WIn7 with TCMD v11 Build 30 x64: the background color
> doesn't "stick".
> I defined "blue" (navy) as my background color, but other than with
> TCMD up to versions 10, that background color doesn't really "stick" in
> TCMD v11. Whenever I run a command in TCC inside TCMD v11, the actual
> output gets the right background color, but any remainder on the line
> gets the default black background.

The background color in TCMD isn't supposed to "stick"; TCMD will display
whatever color the console window is trying to display. Setting the color
in TCC just tells TCC what colors to use when writing text; it does not
override the default console colors.

So you have the console window trying to use a different default background
color; this commonly shows up when scrolling a window. Try doing a "cls"
and specify the foreground & background colors you want, and see if that
persists when scrolling.

You can also set your default console colors (for all console windows) in
the registry.

Rex Conn
JP Software
The background color in TCMD isn't supposed to "stick"; TCMD will display whatever color the console window is trying to display.

I have a navy-blue background and it worked just fine in older TCMD's - like TCMD v8. Even when doing a "DIR *.exe" or something - all the background was navy-blue as expected and as I wished to have it.

But with TCMD v11, now suddenly only the actual contents of the output (e.g. the file name, file size etc.) is being colored as I defined it (bright white on navy blue), while the rest of the screen when doing a "DIR *.*" suddenly goes back to the "white on black" setup :-(

That's *definitely* a changed behavior - used to work just fine, but with v11, it doesn't anymore :-(

PS: This behavior is still the same even in Build 31 - no change there :-(
> ---Quote (Originally by rconn)---
> The background color in TCMD isn't supposed to "stick"; TCMD will
> display whatever color the console window is trying to display.
> ---End Quote---
> I have a navy-blue background and it worked just fine in older TCMD's -
> like TCMD v8. Even when doing a "DIR *.exe" or something - all the
> background was navy-blue as expected and as I wished to have it.
> But with TCMD v11, now suddenly only the actual contents of the output
> (e.g. the file name, file size etc.) is being colored as I defined it
> (bright white on navy blue), while the rest of the screen when doing a
> "DIR *.*" suddenly goes back to the "white on black" setup :-(
> That's *definitely* a changed behavior - used to work just fine, but
> with v11, it doesn't anymore :-(

WAD. If you want to change the console colors, you need to do it in the
console. TCMD will initialize the default console colors, but it will not
override whatever colors the console actually decides to use. (Try
detaching the console & you'll see what it's using.)