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HELP nits

I believe there are minor mistakes in help topic "timestamps.htm". I use the
"date range" notation below to combine date and time of day.

1/ I thought that age=0 represents 1601-01-01@00:00:00 (Gregorian calendar),
instead of 1601-01-01@00:00:01, which was 1s later.

2/ The reference epoch, i.e., the earliest event timestamp for Unix and
Linux is 1970-01-01@00:00:00, not 1901-12-14@00:00:00, as can be seen on
http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/ in par. 3.149, "Epoch".

3/ The latest event timestamp in Unix/Linux is 2038-01-19@03:14:07, as
calculated by the command
echo %@agedate[%@eval[%@makeage[1970.1.1,0:0:0]+(2**31-1)*10**7]]

4/ UTC should be added in the latest timestamp column for the NTFS and Unix
file system epochs.

The formatting of the latest timestamp ought to be ISO, including the
leading zeros.
Steve Fábián wrote:

> I believe there are minor mistakes in help topic "timestamps.htm". I use the
> "date range" notation below to combine date and time of day.
> 1/ I thought that age=0 represents 1601-01-01@00:00:00 (Gregorian calendar),
> instead of 1601-01-01@00:00:01, which was 1s later.
> 2/ The reference epoch, i.e., the earliest event timestamp for Unix and
> Linux is 1970-01-01@00:00:00, not 1901-12-14@00:00:00, as can be seen on
> http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/ in par. 3.149, "Epoch".
> 3/ The latest event timestamp in Unix/Linux is 2038-01-19@03:14:07, as
> calculated by the command
> echo %@agedate[%@eval[%@makeage[1970.1.1,0:0:0]+(2**31-1)*10**7]]
> 4/ UTC should be added in the latest timestamp column for the NTFS and Unix
> file system epochs.
> The formatting of the latest timestamp ought to be ISO, including the
> leading zeros.

You wrote the table. I've never looked at it; I'll check and see if the
values are correct.

Rex Conn
JP Software
Steve Fábián wrote:

> I believe there are minor mistakes in help topic "timestamps.htm". I use the
> "date range" notation below to combine date and time of day.
> 2/ The reference epoch, i.e., the earliest event timestamp for Unix and
> Linux is 1970-01-01@00:00:00, not 1901-12-14@00:00:00, as can be seen on
> http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/ in par. 3.149, "Epoch".

You can easily change the system date in Linux to 1901.

But it's not really important, as I've deleted the Linux row as irrelevant.

Rex Conn
JP Software
rconn wrote:
| Steve Fábián wrote:
| ---Quote---
|| I believe there are minor mistakes in help topic "timestamps.htm". I
|| use the "date range" notation below to combine date and time of day.
|| 1/ I thought that age=0 represents 1601-01-01@00:00:00 (Gregorian
|| calendar), instead of 1601-01-01@00:00:01, which was 1s later.
|| 2/ The reference epoch, i.e., the earliest event timestamp for Unix
|| and Linux is 1970-01-01@00:00:00, not 1901-12-14@00:00:00, as can be
|| seen on http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/ in par.
|| 3.149, "Epoch".
|| 3/ The latest event timestamp in Unix/Linux is 2038-01-19@03:14:07,
|| as calculated by the command
|| echo %@agedate[%@eval[%@makeage[1970.1.1,0:0:0]+(2**31-1)*10**7]]
|| 4/ UTC should be added in the latest timestamp column for the NTFS
|| and Unix file system epochs.
|| The formatting of the latest timestamp ought to be ISO, including the
|| leading zeros.
| ---End Quote---
| You wrote the table. I've never looked at it; I'll check and see if
| the values are correct.

The table in V7, v8 and V9 has the values I entered. Only V10 is different
from what I did.