Suddenly after upgrading to build 65 of tcmd 12.10, my iftp stopped working. I can connect without trouble using filezilla, so I know it's tcmd that's not working. The command I use is:
iftp ftp://username:passwd@ftp-adr
And I'm getting this error from an attached tcc window:
TCC: [141] (no description available) "ftp.drrob1.com"
Again, I can connect easily using filezilla.
I know the ftp code is not written by Rex, but it was working before.
iftp ftp://username:passwd@ftp-adr
And I'm getting this error from an attached tcc window:
TCC: [141] (no description available) "ftp.drrob1.com"
Again, I can connect easily using filezilla.
I know the ftp code is not written by Rex, but it was working before.