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DBF Plugin

Over at http://www.jpsoft.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1805 I wrote a batch file to read a dBASE database file.

I have modified the batch file to use the DBF Plugin, available from http://sites.google.com/site/jlcprogrammingstuff/home/tcc/dbf-plugin

The revised batch file is as follows;

::  Open a dBASE database, display the structure,                     |
::  and a desired record, using the DBF Plugin                        |
::  Joe Caverly                                                       |
::  January 2011                                                      |
::                                                                    |
:: USAGE: dbstruct dbfName RecordNumber                               |
::                                                                    |
@echo off
:: Load the DBF Plugin                                                |
if not plugin dbf plugin /l dbf
:: Designate a file to use for this batch                             |
if not exist %1 goto nofile
set dbfName=%1
:: Display Structure                                                  |
echo Structure for database: %dbfName
echo Number of data records: %@reccount[%dbfName]
echo Date of last update   : %@lupdate[%dbfName]
echo Field  Field Name  Type        Width   Dec
do FieldNumber=1 to %@FieldCount[%dbfName]
  screen %_row 0 %@format[5,%FieldNumber]
  :: Field Name                                                         |
  screen %_row 7 %@FieldName[%dbfName,%FieldNumber]
  :: Field Type (C, D, L, M, N)                                         |
  set FieldType=%@FieldType[%dbfName,%FieldNumber]
  switch %FieldType
    case C
      set TheType=Character
    case D
      set TheType=Date
    case L
      set TheType=Logical
    case M
      set TheType=Memo
    case N
      set TheType=Numeric
  screen %_row 19 %TheType
  :: Field Width                                                        |
  set FieldWidth=%@FieldWidth[%dbfName,%FieldNumber]
  screen %_row 33 %@format[3,%FieldWidth]
  :: Number of decimal places (Numeric fields only)                     |
  iff %@FieldType[%dbfName,%FieldNumber] eq N then
    set DecimalPlaces=%@DECIMAL[%dbfName,%FieldNumber]
    iff %DecimalPlaces gt 0 then
      screen %_row 40 %@format[2,%DecimalPlaces]
set TotalWidth=%@recsize[%dbfName]
screen %_row 0 ** Total **
screen %_row 31 %@format[5,%TotalWidth]
:: Record Number to get                                               |
set ValidInput=N
if %2 le %@RecCount[%dbfName] set ValidInput=Y
if %2 gt 0 set ValidInput=Y
if %ValidInput eq N set Record2Get=1
if %ValidInput eq Y set Record2Get=%2
if %Record2Get gt %@RecCount[%dbfName] goto ROOR
echo Record Number: %Record2Get
:: Display the record                                                 |
echo %@Record[%dbfName,%Record2Get]
goto eoj
:: Problem opening the database                                       |
echo Database is in use, or another error occured opening the database.
goto eoj
:: File does not exist                                                |
echo File does not exist.
echo USAGE: dbstruct x:\data\mydb.dbf
goto eoj
:: Record Out Of Range                                                |
echo Record Out Of Range (Max. %@RecCount[%dbfName])
:: End Of Job                                                         |
if plugin dbf plugin /u dbf


Hey Joe,

> I have modified the batch file to use the DBF Plugin, available
> from
> http://sites.google.com/site/jlcprogrammingstuff/home/tcc/dbf-plugin
> (https://sites.google.com/site/jlcprogrammingstuff/home/tcc/dbf-plugin)

Very nice. I've always thought that TCC should be able to work with a database, preferably (by me) dBase.

I still think adding basic dBase handling would be a great addition to TCC. Indexed database files would probably make handling long lists of data (e.g. directory lists) much faster. And it would be a great feature for marketing the next version :-)

herzliche Grüße,

Klaus Meinhard
Here is a batch file to display the field data from a record in a dBase database, using the DBF Plugin. In this case, I have hard-coded record 1.

::  Open a dBASE database, display the field data                     |
::  of record number 1                                                |
::  Joe Caverly                                                       |
::  January 2011                                                      |
::                                                                    |
:: USAGE: flist dbfName                                               |
@echo off
:: Load the DBF Plugin                                                |
if not plugin dbf plugin /l dbf
:: Designate a file to use for this batch                             |
if not exist %1 goto nofile
set dbfName=%1
set therecord=%@record[%dbfName,1]
do FieldNumber=1 to %@FieldCount[%dbfName]
  set FieldOffset=%@fieldoffset[%dbfname,%FieldNumber]
  set FieldWidth=%@fieldwidth[%dbfname,%FieldNumber]
  echo %@instr[%FieldOffset,%FieldWidth,%therecord]
goto eoj
:: Problem opening the database                                       |
echo Database is in use, or another error occured opening the database.
goto eoj
:: File does not exist                                                |
echo File does not exist.
echo USAGE: flist x:\data\mydb.dbf
goto eoj
:: End Of Job                                                         |
if plugin dbf plugin /u dbf