I just upgraded to TCC 13 from version 11. I notice that the new /= option does not work with DIR, COPY, or MOVE, even though the help file says that's a valid option. But /= does bring up a dialogue box with ZIP, UNZIP, VIEW, and ATTRIB.
With DIR /= I get the message TCC: (Sys) The parameter is incorrect. "=". With COPY and MOVE I get the message TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified. "C:\="
Also, is there a way to get UNGZIP to extract files to Standard Output? I've been using an external gzip in a batch file that unpacks log files from my Web site for analysis, and it has a switch that sends output to standard output. I'd like to replace that program with the internal UNGZIP.
With DIR /= I get the message TCC: (Sys) The parameter is incorrect. "=". With COPY and MOVE I get the message TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified. "C:\="
Also, is there a way to get UNGZIP to extract files to Standard Output? I've been using an external gzip in a batch file that unpacks log files from my Web site for analysis, and it has a switch that sends output to standard output. I'd like to replace that program with the internal UNGZIP.