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Version 13 oddities

I just upgraded to TCC 13 from version 11. I notice that the new /= option does not work with DIR, COPY, or MOVE, even though the help file says that's a valid option. But /= does bring up a dialogue box with ZIP, UNZIP, VIEW, and ATTRIB.

With DIR /= I get the message TCC: (Sys) The parameter is incorrect. "=". With COPY and MOVE I get the message TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified. "C:\="

Also, is there a way to get UNGZIP to extract files to Standard Output? I've been using an external gzip in a batch file that unpacks log files from my Web site for analysis, and it has a switch that sends output to standard output. I'd like to replace that program with the internal UNGZIP.
On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 21:11:51 -0400, TedM <> wrote:

|With DIR /= I get the message TCC: (Sys) The parameter is incorrect. "=". With COPY and MOVE I get the message TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified. "C:\="

Do you have those three commands aliased?
On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 21:11:51 -0400, TedM <> wrote:

|Also, is there a way to get UNGZIP to extract files to Standard Output?

I don't think so.

But just in case I tried

v:\> ungzip test.gz con *
=> V:\123.txt

v:\> ungzip test.gz garbage *
=> V:\123.txt

It completely ignored the (non-existent) path specs and unzipped to the current
directory. I would expect an error message.

And the help (and quick help) suggest that "path" and "file" are required. They
don't seem to be required (and would even seem meaningless with "/V").
I just upgraded to TCC 13 from version 11. I notice that the new /= option does not work with DIR, COPY, or MOVE, even though the help file says that's a valid option.

Then you've either aliased DIR, COPY, and MOVE, or you have plugin replacements.

If you don't want to change your aliases, you'll have to use TCDIALOG instead of /=.

Also, is there a way to get UNGZIP to extract files to Standard Output?

No, there's no support for that in the compression library we're using.
On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:16:34 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> And the help (and quick help) suggest that "path" and "file" are required.
|---End Quote---
|Path is optional (as the help says). There is no such argument as "file".

There is in the quick help.

UNGZIP [/E /O /Q /V] gziparchive path file...
Also, is there a way to get UNGZIP to extract files to Standard Output? I've been using an external gzip in a batch file that unpacks log files from my Web site for analysis, and it has a switch that sends output to standard output. I'd like to replace that program with the internal UNGZIP.
Forgive me if this is stating the obvious, but there is a fairly simple way to get what you want. Simply:
:: What it says...
@Echo Off
:: To avoid "messing up" the "global" environment...
: Create a "temporary" file...
Set TransferFile="%@Unique[%TEMP].txt"
:: Write the output of the UnGZip command to the temporary file...
UnGZip >!%TransferFile
:: The command you want to "follow" UnGZip
WhateverCommandYouWantToProcessTheOutputOfUnGZIP <%TransferFile
:: "Clean up" the "temporary" file...
Del %TransferFile >NUL:
:: Almost certainly unneeded, "harmless" documentation, I suppose...
:: What it says... ; > ) >
Quit 0
I don't think there's much more to say here...
Then you've either aliased DIR, COPY, and MOVE, or you have plugin replacements.

If you don't want to change your aliases, you'll have to use TCDIALOG instead of /=.

That's exactly what caused the problem! I've had COPY and MOVE aliased with /r and DIR aliased with "*dir /Ou /H" since the 4DOS days, so I didn't even think of that. I suspect I'll end up using the TCDIALOG approach (with a less cumbersome alias) rather than changing the ancient aliases.

No, there's no support for that in the compression library we're using.
Is that a bug or a feature? I could use a temporary file as someone else here suggested, but I think it's easier to keep using the external GZip.
Is that a bug or a feature? I could use a temporary file as someone else here suggested, but I think it's easier to keep using the external GZip.
Ted, I don't think that it's really relevant here, but Rex's ZIP command does a noticeably better job at "compressing" than any other ZIP program I've encountered to date. (I tried all of the ones I have (4 or 5 as I remember), and, again, his did the best job overall.)
Ted, I don't think that it's really relevant here, but Rex's ZIP command does a noticeably better job at "compressing" than any other ZIP program I've encountered to date. (I tried all of the ones I have (4 or 5 as I remember), and, again, his did the best job overall.)

That's not directly relevant, since I was talking about uncompressing GZipped log files from my Web site. But I'll give the new compression options a try. When I compared the ZIP from version 11 with a Zip utility that had compression settings, the latter at maximum was better. I'll have to try the new ZIP at maximum compression.