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bdebugger doesn't load btm-file in window

<!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->TCC 10,00,32 Windows XP [Version 5,1,2600]
TCC Build 32 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack

In TCMD v10 beta 31 and 32 the debugger is started with windows title IDE 10.0 - Untitled1 (an empty file) if I start a btm-file from tcc with a bdebugger-command inserted in the btm-file. In TCMD v9 the btm-file is loaded in debug-mode.

Best regards
Berndt Berg
<!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->TCC 10,00,32 Windows XP [Version 5,1,2600]
TCC Build 32 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack

In TCMD v10 beta 31 and 32 the debugger is started with windows title IDE 10.0 - Untitled1 (an empty file) if I start a btm-file from tcc with a bdebugger-command inserted in the btm-file. In TCMD v9 the btm-file is loaded in debug-mode.

WAD - that syntax is no longer supported in v10.