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Forum Implementation Problems

1/ While writing a new post or a response, the keys used to navigate between browser tabs are intercepted by the forum software, making it very difficult to quote from another tab. Worse, there is no information available what those keystrokes DO in the forum!

2/ Way too easy to accidentally post an incomplete message, e.g., by pressing a key intended for screen navigation. Also easy to lose an already composed multiparagraph message while attempting to find some information in another tab or another window. The keystroke (ctrl-Z) which in other composition programs reverses the last action (usu. referred to as undo), such as deleting the last few characters typed, often deletes the whole text entered - an action that's easily performed in a different manner that explicitly selects what is to be deleted. There is no redo to reverse an incorrect change or one made by accidental pressing of a single wrong key.
1/ While writing a new post or a response, the keys used to navigate between browser tabs are intercepted by the forum software, making it very difficult to quote from another tab. Worse, there is no information available what those keystrokes DO in the forum!

Not reproducible here. What keys are you referring to?

2/ Way too easy to accidentally post an incomplete message, e.g., by pressing a key intended for screen navigation. Also easy to lose an already composed multiparagraph message while attempting to find some information in another tab or another window. The keystroke (ctrl-Z) which in other composition programs reverses the last action (usu. referred to as undo), such as deleting the last few characters typed, often deletes the whole text entered - an action that's easily performed in a different manner that explicitly selects what is to be deleted. There is no redo to reverse an incorrect change or one made by accidental pressing of a single wrong key.

There definitely *is* a Redo option; it's the last icon on the toolbar. I can't reproduce your problem with the undo.

I don't know what you're referring to about posting an incomplete message by pressing a screen navigation key. (There's nothing I can do about it, but I could pass them on to XenForo.)
1/ ctrl-T for next tab on right, shift-ctrl-T for next tab on left. Also alt-f, alt-e, alt-v, alt-b, alt-t, alt-h - the activation keys for elements of the Firefox 23.0.1 (latest) tool bar.

2/ Sorry, I only learned to read languages that use one of the European alphabets Greek, Cyrillic, Gothic, and Latin. I also learned the international standard symbols for highway traffic control, but no other sign language. I had always been taught that teaching reading and writing of languages written using small alphabets is easier than languages using unique images for every concept (esp. when the images for shared concepts are not the same as in other languages - or in this case, programs). I never discovered the ReDo icon (very different from many other programs' icons for the same purpose.

I did a couple of "undo"-s on parts of this message, and tried to "redo" them, but it was incomplete.

I had occasionally either lost unposted messages (i.e., the writing area was cleared), or had the unfinished message posted, when accidentally touching a key, esp. a cursor motion arrow key. As the touch was accidental, not intentional, I could not discover what key or key combination was involved. An option from XenForo to require verification that posting is desired would solve this problem.