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Forum query

I am trying to find all the threads I participated in, and after going https://jpsoft.com/forums/search/?type=post - entered "Charles G" for posted by member, all forums, display results as threads, the most aged thread was last on page 10 and was on Nov 17, 2014. I am fairly sure that I have posted before then. Am I just clueless or what is going on please?
I'm not sure what's up with that, but a better way probably is to hover over your name at the top and click Your Content
I only go back to April 2017 ... 179 posts. It's the same (back to 4/2017) for the usual "Search" box when I ask it to go back to November 2016. I can get older ones using restrictions (keywords, forums, ...) but I can't get more than 179. There has to be some limit (don't you think?). I wouldn't expect it to show me 6000-7000 posts.
Maybe at least it should provide a way to show older threads..... Maybe Rex will chime in?
Using the Your Content route for my own, I get 198 results, and then at the bottom of the list on the last (10th) page, there's a "Find older messages" link where I get 76 more results going back to 6/12/08. And at the bottom of the list on the last (4th) page of that there's another "Find older messages" that gives me no more results.

I think Vince has us all beat in the sheer number of posts :), so I went to his profile, clicked the Postings tab, then "Find all content by vefatica" at the bottom of that list, and then there's a "Find older messages" for each batch, which keeps going and going and.. with a different number of results in each batch. So it's not count based, but maybe time period based..?
It's the same here, "find more" using the profile route but not with Charles's original URL. For me it's 9 pages (179-180 posts) each time. With the keyword "forums" I can go back to October 2008 when there were many discussions about forum complaints. That must be pretty close to creation day.
I can go the "Your Content" route but I was looking for a way to find all threads I have participated in - not every thread I started or commented on.....
Ah.. I see. Yeah, that's kinda weird considering it appears to be using the same search function. The resultant URLs both start with jpsoft.com/forums/search/######...

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