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Return of FTP copy bug in 16.02.48

Same observation as wrong copies in earlier builds. Last 16.01 builds had been OK. I just switched to Version 15 and downloaded everything correctly.
iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins
copy /s /[d-10] ftp:sysutil*

When executing in TCC V11 or V15 (that's all I used) the files copied into an empty directory tree the two files downloaded are each larger than 50,000 bytes; expanding them using 7Z is successful. In 16.02.48 both are smaller than 2,000 bytes, and attempting to expand with 7Z reports errors.
iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins
copy /s /[d-10] ftp:sysutil*

When executing in TCC V11 or V15 (that's all I used) the files copied into an empty directory tree the two files downloaded are each larger than 50,000 bytes; expanding them using 7Z is successful. In 16.02.48 both are smaller than 2,000 bytes, and attempting to expand with 7Z reports errors.
I saw the same behavior but only for the file in the root.
When I download it with 16.02.48 it is about 50KB (for example 57016), but it is corrupted. When I download it with 15.01.58 it is ok.
The other file in my case is always ok.
But, no formal testing, only a few tests.


Rodolfo Giovanninetti
My case is not root of the ftp site, just of the IFTP destination. Local target many levels down from root (not even by SUBST).
[C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\test]dir /s /a:-d
Volume in drive C is Win7_Galloway Serial number is aea6:a855
Directory of C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\test\*
5/15/2014 20:03 57,072 sysutils.zip
57,072 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 57,344 bytes allocated
Directory of C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\test\X64\*
5/15/2014 20:03 61,273 sysutils64.zip
61,273 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 61,440 bytes allocated

TCC 16.02.48 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 48 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
Steve F.:

I think iftp..dir is working on my end -

[C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test]iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins

[C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test]copy /s /[d-10] ftp:sysutil*
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/sysutils.zip => C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\sysutils.zip
TCC: (Sys) There are no more files.
TCC: (Sys) There are no more files.
TCC: (Sys) There are no more files.
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/sysutils64.zip => C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\X64\sysutils64.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/xp/sysutils.zip => C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\xp\sysutils.zip
     3 files copied

[C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test]dir /s /a:-d

Volume in drive C is Win7_Galloway   Serial number is aea6:a855
Directory of  C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\*

5/15/2014  20:03          57,072  sysutils.zip
            57,072 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    57,344 bytes allocated

Directory of  C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\X64\*

5/15/2014  20:03          61,273  sysutils64.zip
            61,273 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    61,440 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\X64\*
            61,273 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    61,440 bytes allocated

Directory of  C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\xp\*

5/16/2014  16:28          57,033  sysutils.zip
            57,033 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    57,344 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\xp\*
            57,033 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    57,344 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Users\Galloway\Desktop\Test\*
           175,378 bytes in 3 files and 0 dirs    176,128 bytes allocated
   357,684,576,256 bytes free


are the files coping correctly on mine?
There have been quite a few changes to the files; I cannot identify it with one of my copies. I always like a hash code (CRC or MD5) to make sure I compare apples with apples and not oranges. People distributing files used to always include that, but communication has substantially improved; .ZIP ad .7Z archives have it internally. When they were mangled, could not reverse the compression. If your installed all the way into TCC, too many validation steps are used to worry.
iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins
copy /s /[d-10] ftp:sysutil*

When executing in TCC V11 or V15 (that's all I used) the files copied into an empty directory tree the two files downloaded are each larger than 50,000 bytes; expanding them using 7Z is successful. In 16.02.48 both are smaller than 2,000 bytes, and attempting to expand with 7Z reports errors.

I can't reproduce this with 16.02.48 (either 32-bit or 64-bit). I get three files copied, all over 50K and all unzip fine.

What is the date, time, & size of your ipworks9.dll?
I went wild hog and report the ones with all TCC versions (paths indicate word size and version), though of course 64b cannot be executed on this machine:
2012-10-19@05:23:10 1,040,640 713DE4D8 32B\I14\ipworks9.dll
2013-08-12@12:38:04 1,061,048 CEC4090C 32B\I15\ipworks9.dll
2014-04-08@05:01:26 1,135,160 0398987E 32B\I16\ipworks9.dll
2013-08-12@12:37:12 2,025,984 02AB5F8F 64B\I15\ipworks9.dll
2013-10-29@02:48:42 2,077,184 FF5D9288 64B\I16\ipworks9.dll