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WAD FTP copy fails in 16.00.25

Test performed on Win7x64 with 32b and 64b TCC and on WinXP32.
Command sequence:

iftp ftp://prospero.unm.edu
copy /[d-60] ftp:*.zip

(note: the date limit was not used on XP32)

In all instances ftp finds all candidate files, tries to download each, but after a multisecond delay displays the message
TCC: FTP protocol error: 426 Failure writing network stream. "/filename.zip"

On both systems 32b TCC 15.01.58 was successful downloading the files. I f desired, I can also try 64b V15.

BTW, the error message text should not display "protocol" twice - once as part of the abbreviation FTP of File Transfer Protocol and again unabbreviated. It's like writing NYPD Department.
OK here.
v:\test> iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins

v:\test> copy /[d-300] ftp:*.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4console.zip => V:\test\4console.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4utils.zip => V:\test\4utils.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/sysutils.zip => V:\test\sysutils.zip
  3 files copied

v:\test> ver

TCC  16.00.25  Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
Test performed on Win7x64 with 32b and 64b TCC and on WinXP32.
Command sequence:

iftp ftp://prospero.unm.edu
copy /[d-60] ftp:*.zip

(note: the date limit was not used on XP32)

In all instances ftp finds all candidate files, tries to download each, but after a multisecond delay displays the message
TCC: FTP protocol error: 426 Failure writing network stream. "/filename.zip"

Works fine here:

[D:\tmp]iftp ftp://prospero.unm.edu

[D:\tmp]copy /[d-60] ftp:*.zip
ftp://prospero.unm.edu/aeroglass.zip => D:\tmp\aeroglass.zip
ftp://prospero.unm.edu/consearch.zip => D:\tmp\consearch.zip
ftp://prospero.unm.edu/domain.zip => D:\tmp\domain.zip
ftp://prospero.unm.edu/fixnames.zip => D:\tmp\fixnames.zip
     4 files copied

This may be a problem with your security / firewall, or possibly your ISP.

BTW, the error message text should not display "protocol" twice - once as part of the abbreviation FTP of File Transfer Protocol and again unabbreviated. It's like writing NYPD Department.

You should readdress this to Microsoft; it's their error text (from Winsock). I have no intention of intercepting and rewriting Windows error messages on the fly.
Works fine here:
This may be a problem with your security / firewall, or possibly your ISP.
I cannot see it being either security / firewall (Windows internal firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials on both systems) nor of the ISP, because on both WinXP/32 and Win7/64 systems the same code worked in TCC 15.01.58 and failed identically in TCC 16.00.25.

You should readdress this to Microsoft; it's their error text (from Winsock). I have no intention of intercepting and rewriting Windows error messages on the fly.
I had hoped the message originated in an IPworks module, which you could influence, rather than from BrainSoft.
I cannot see it being either security / firewall (Windows internal firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials on both systems) nor of the ISP, because on both WinXP/32 and Win7/64 systems the same code worked in TCC 15.01.58 and failed identically in TCC 16.00.25.

Which means it's more likely to be a security / firewall issue, because the ipworks code is identical in 15.01.58 and 16.00.25. I'm confident this isn't a v16 issue, because I use the ftp upload & download functions dozens of times a day without incident.

Check your settings and see if you have security and/or firewall exceptions for tcc.exe v15 that you didn't create for v16.
OK here.
v:\test> iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins

v:\test> copy /[d-300] ftp:*.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4console.zip => V:\test\4console.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4utils.zip => V:\test\4utils.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/sysutils.zip => V:\test\sysutils.zip
  3 files copied

v:\test> ver

TCC  16.00.25  Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]

works fine here too - under same 16.00.25/Win 7 x65
and works fine under 15.xxxx too. must be unique to the OP....
Last edited:
On XP system apparently I was without virus protection for a few weeks; now I have installed Microsoft Security Essentials. I don't know whether or not Windows firewall had been on; not it is. The list of exceptions is excessive IMHO; it includes IDE, Take Command v16, TCC, TCC v16, TCMD updater, and TPIPE. I don't know what "TCC" in the list means - any program named TCC.EXE, or one in a specific - undisplayed - directory. In any event, TCC v16 was already in the "exception" list, i.e., it was already authorized for network communications. Tried again; v15 still worked, v16 failed. I will try again with both firewall and security turned off (full virus exposure) and report.
Well, no gain. With no firewall and no virus protection v15 copied Vince's 4console.zip without error; v16 had no error report, but the copy was 447 bytes instead of 39,459 bytes. I will no try on Win7 (if I can find the security controls).
"426 Failure writing network stream." is actually a reply from the FTP server (it doesn't come from Windows). It is a "protocol" error (as opposed to other types of errors which can occur with FTP). So I believe TCC's message is in order. I have enabled logging of FTP commands and responses on lucky. Please try it again, Steve, and maybe I'll be able to shed more light on this matter. At least on Win7, FTP definitely needs an incoming firewall rule (so a data port can be opened) and app-specific firewall rules are EXEfile-specific; every TCC.EXE (different versions) has its own rule. Check your rules for "TCC" carefully.
Apparently my Win7 (64b) system has no active firewall. I attempted to turn on Windows Firewall, but could not. It is complaining that my selected settings are bad, but I could not find way to change them. The "change to recommended settings" responded that it could not change a setting, giving an error code, but no indication what setting is stuck. It displayed a message that it could not turn on firewall automatically; clicking on the manual turn-on reported a failure. Shouldn't absence of a firewall permit FTP?

Microsoft Security Essentials is running, and has NO exceptions.

I will now try IFTP/v mode to download 4console.zip again from v16 and report results.
In Win7, the incoming connection needed for FTP data transfer is disallowed by default and you need an incoming rule to allow it. When I stop the firewall service, I can't "dir ftp://..." (or copy).
I just saw
226 Transfer complete. 39,459 bytes transferred. 38.53 KB/sec.
on lucky. I suppose that was you. Did you get the whole thing?
Why does the same OS setup allow TCC15 to perform file transfers using FTP, but kill TCC16 after a few hundred bytes, never more than 2048 bytes?
I will next look to see if the data actually stored matches the correct copies.
I could download files using FTP from both lucky and from Charles' prospero.unm.edu using v15 and all previous versions of TCC, as well as some other FTP servers. I don't know about upload, have not had a target to which I wished to send files. Only v16 has problems. In fact I just used 32b TCC14 to also download 4console.zip successfully.

I am still unable to turn on the windows firewall on this Win7pro system. If firewall is OFF, shouldn't it mean that there is no impediment for ANY program to access the network or the internet?

Oh, one more point about my configuration - both of my systems are connected by WiFi to the device which is combined WiFi router and wireless ISP modem (using T-Mobile's cellular network).
I could download files using FTP from both lucky and from Charles' prospero.unm.edu using v15 and all previous versions of TCC, as well as some other FTP servers. I don't know about upload, have not had a target to which I wished to send files. Only v16 has problems. In fact I just used 32b TCC14 to also download 4console.zip successfully.

I am still unable to turn on the windows firewall on this Win7pro system. If firewall is OFF, shouldn't it mean that there is no impediment for ANY program to access the network or the internet?

Oh, one more point about my configuration - both of my systems are connected by WiFi to the device which is combined WiFi router and wireless ISP modem (using T-Mobile's cellular network).
As I said, when I turn off the Win7 firewall, TCC (any version) cannot DIR or COPY on an FTP connection. Opening incoming data ports requires an enabled "allow" incoming rule. There are built-in impediments that the firewall lets you get around.
Lucky's log shows all data transfers made today were successful. Is the WiFi device something new?
As I said, when I turn off the Win7 firewall, TCC (any version) cannot DIR or COPY on an FTP connection. Opening incoming data ports requires an enabled "allow" incoming rule. There are built-in impediments that the firewall lets you get around.
I am still unable to discover whether or not win7 firewall is doing anything - it claims not to be on, I need help to find what rules might allow TCC14 and TCC15 to get through, while TCC16 starts the download but aborts before completion. But the TCC16 issue is also present in WinXP32Pro.

Lucky's log shows all data transfers made today were successful.
It might not show the problem if what happens is that the download actually takes place, but for some reason TCC16 cannot write all of it to disk.

Is the WiFi device something new?
It's been my only internet access for over 14 months (except an occasional trip to the library with no FTP), but I wanted to mention it as being a potentially different mechanism. My ISP is a bit flaky, I attempted to download from MS the version of WinXP designed to operate under Win7 through a virtual machine. The file is about 490MB; in several attempts the HTTP transfer stopped btw. 100 and 200 MB, once it went to 480MB, but never completed. Because it can only be downloaded to a machine running Win7, that's where I had to do it. I tried both Firefox' built-in download and TCC15's copy. In all cases the failure only manifested itself in the disk allocation remaining constant for very long periods. With several rounds of lengthy telephone conversations I finally managed T-Mobile not charging me for the extra - wasted - download volume.

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! !
Well, lucky's logs gives the number of bytes transferred for each data transfer and they all match the file sizes. I don't think it can be mistaken since some software on the other end must ACK(nowledge) every packet. If you figure it out, please let us know what was happening.
The only clue I see is the actual error message FTP protocol error: 426 Failure writing network stream which is a winsock error - for some reason TCC16 fails when writing the data to disk, TCC15 is OK. If the source code is the same, I would wonder about the link libraries.
No, 426 is an FTP status (returned by a server in response to a request from the client). It's defined in RFC 959 (FTP) with the text "Connection closed; transfer aborted." If you google that text you'll find it mostly associated with Windows servers. If you google "Failure writing network stream", you'll find it generally comes from a UNIX server. The corresponding Winsock error is 10053 "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine".

Is it possible that you're dealing with an ISP caching server? The connections to lucky came from Is that your machine?
I tried earlier and my IP is:

[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64]echo %_ip
And the Serv-U (my server) docs say it uses the text "426 Connection closed; transfer aborted."
I tried earlier and my IP is:

[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64]echo %_ip
There were no connections to lucky from 174.109.*.* in the month of December.

The last connection from was on November 7.
Steve, I assure you that the status message you quoted did not come from lucky. These (below) are all of Serv-U's status 426 responses (they're in plain text in various language files). As I said before, your message looks like it came from a UNIX server. Whatever the server, the fact remains that the data connection was closed unexpectedly. You say downloads work with TCC v15 and not with v16 so, maybe we're back at square one.

426 Data connection closed, file transfer $PathName aborted.
426 Data connection closed, file transfer $PathName aborted by SysOp.
426 Data connection closed, SSL / TLS negotiation failed.
426 Data connection unexpectedly closed.
426 Data connection not specified. A PORT/EPRT or PASV/EPSV command must be issued before executing this operation.
426 Transfer aborted.
426 Data connection unexpectedly closed, file transfer $PathName aborted by client.
426 Data connection closed, cannot write file $PathName - disk full?
426 Data connection unexpectedly closed, receive file $PathName aborted.
426 Data connection closed, listing for $PathName aborted.