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WebDav Drive Mapping Issue

Hello all,

I have mapped a drive letter in explorer to my WebDav server. Everything works great in explorer, but the drive letter is not valid in TCC. Secondly, if I start CMD outside of TCMD, then I can access Z: without issue (if I start cmd.exe from within CMD, then it's not available.)

In Windows Explorer in the "This PC" section I have:

webdav (\\fross.mooo.com@SSL\owncloud\remote.php)(Z:)

D:\Users\Michael>ver /r

TCC  20.00.17 x64   Windows 10 [Version 6.3.10586]
TCC Build 17   Windows 10 Build 10586

D:\Users\Michael>echo %_drives
C: D: E: F: H: I: J: T:

TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the drive specified.

I'm not sure why Z: is not available to TCMD.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Rex, I did restart TCMD.

Hi Vince. Yes, it's running and set to Manual (Trigger Start)

It's odd that it works fine in a non-TCMD CMD session but not TCMD as I assume they both call the same underlying services.

One other update. I tried this on a second machine and it was exactly the same situation. CMD worked, Explorer worked, but TCMD/TCC could not find the drive letter.

This second machine is also Windows 10 with the same TCMD version.

I appreciate the help. I need to get this to work so I can do some scripting with it.

Does z: appear and work in TCMD's "File Explorer" ... in Notepad's "open file" dialog?

In Win7, I tried mapping an FTP location (I never knew it could be done). It worked, but I didn't get a drive letter. The location showed up among the drives Explorer and TCMD ... without a drive letter there's no hope for TCC. That location had a little quirk in TCMD. I could expand it in TCMD's navigation pane and a 1-click would show the contents of the selected folder in TCMD's file pane. But a 2-click on a folder in TCMD's file pane would open it in a new Explorer window.
Hi Vince,

It does not. It does appear in the list, but when I click on it, it says it can't access \\fross.mooo.com@SSL. Error code: 0x80070043 "The Network name cannot be found."

Unlike your FTP test, I do get a drive letter than can be accessed via CMD like any normal drive letter.

I'd be happy to create a test ID if anyone would like to take a look. While it didn't work on 2 of my machines, I'd like to see if this can be replicated. I'm accessing an OwnCloud installation on my Ubuntu 16.04 server.

Yeah, I'd like to try it. But you must give me detailed instructions. And I don't even know if I can map http://... to a drive letter on Win 7.
Thanks Vince. Pretty simple.

I no longer have Windows7, but it should be the same as my Win10 setup.

You just want to map a drive letter like any other. In Win10, I right click "This PC" in windows explorer and choose map a network drive.
Choose the letter and in Folder put in the URL. For my cloud server it's:


Choose to connect using different credentials. You probably don't want to reconnect at login.

I've started a "conversation" with you and included the ID/PW there.

After that it should show up as a drive letter. You can use it normally via window explorer. If you run a CMD session (not from TCMD) it should work normally...mine does.

Much appreciated!

It works for me!


And ... I'm pretty sure TCC does nothing special; that it's just another drive.
Hi Vince. That's good news I think, although very odd. Since I tried it on two Win10 machines, it must have something to do with the OS differences from your v7.

Is there anyone else out there with Windows 10 that would mind trying it? Only takes a second and I can send you the test ID/PW. That would at least narrow it down from a Windows 10 issue to something silly on my end.....

And I wonder why it works fine in CMD.....

Really appreciate the time Vince. Thank you.

Indeed, it was as simple as Fross said. It took less that a minute and I did nothing more than Fross said.
Ok! I think it's windows 10.

I removed my mapping from file explorer and mapped the drive letter via TCC:
net use z: https://fross.mooo.com/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/ /user:xxx * /persistent:yes
and it seems to work fine. I think windows 10 is doing something very odd with it's drive letter mapping......

But this I can work with easily.

Vince, thank you for your help.

I'll stop talking about this now, but I believe my issue had to do elevation. I run my TCC as Administrator. When I map the drive letter in Explorer, which is is not elevated, TCC can't work with it. It seems you can't mix them. If I map my drive via my elevated TCC session, then File Explorer can't seem to work with it.

Windows 10 is just bizarre.....

I'll stop talking about this now, but I believe my issue had to do elevation. I run my TCC as Administrator. When I map the drive letter in Explorer, which is is not elevated, TCC can't work with it. It seems you can't mix them. If I map my drive via my elevated TCC session, then File Explorer can't seem to work with it.

That's the expected behavior for Windows 10 (and 8).
If you haven't already found it, Google for "EnableLinkedConnections".
Hi Vince. Thanks for the note. I'm checking it out now. The EnableLinkedConnections doesn't seem to be working, but I need to play with it a bit more.
