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XenForo issue

Since XenForo will officially respond only to its paying customers, and JPsoft is the only one I know of, I need to make my complaint here.
There does not seem to be a way to select a default font. If there is, I have not discovered it.
This is relevant for me because I have difficulty with the default sans serif font - certain letters are so close to one another that I cannot see what I typed, unless I use the browser's zooming capability. No such problem with Times Roman or Andale Mono.
BTW, the built-in spelling checker needs to recognize such words as Andale, it would be also useful for it to recognize TCC keywords and JPsoft product element names.
It's not really a XenForo issue -- the fonts are specified in the styles, which are all (except for the default) written by third-parties, not XenForo.

If you don't like the Tahoma & Arial fonts in BP-White, you can try one of the optional styles. Click on "BP-White" in the lower left corner of the page and select "Default" or "BP-Ventana". BP-Ventana uses Helvetica and Verdana; Default uses Georgia and Times Roman.
Thanks, I am trying it. The fonts and posts are more readable, but the 2nd line of the top toolbar has very low cond trast between unselected text and its background - not helpful to locate other options. BTW, a pet peave I have is that when I am displaying "what's new", and select "mark forums read", after the action is completed, it puts me - unbidden - into the "watched forums" tab. Why the extra action?
Thanks, I am trying it. The fonts and posts are more readable, but the 2nd line of the top toolbar has very low cond trast between unselected text and its background - not helpful to locate other options.

I don't know what style you're using (and there wouldn't be anything I could do about it anyway). Since I don't see anything like that here with any of the styles, I suspect it's more likely to be your monitor settings.

BTW, a pet peave I have is that when I am displaying "what's new", and select "mark forums read", after the action is completed, it puts me - unbidden - into the "watched forums" tab. Why the extra action?

I have no idea what you're referring to here -- I don't see anything like that when I follow those steps.
the fonts are specified in the styles

Which means you can change them into whatever you want, Steve. I use an Extension in Chrome called "Stylish" and have full control over how the page is displayed as long as it has good CSS markup, like the forums here do.

You could set up something like the following...
Applies to URLs starting with http://jpsoft.com/forums/
.message .messageText, .message .signature {font-family: Consolas}
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

I have written several paragraphs, then I used the "style change" button. Lo and behold, all my work was gone! Why is there no warning???

"Default" font is satisfactory, the colors of the "top toolbar" less so - its text (unless highlighted by the cursor) is white on light blue, the contrast inadequate. Why is it necessary to combine font selection with color selection, instead of permitting them to be independent? Alternately, more styles could be provided...

To observe the "pet peave" I referred to above, select the "What's New?" display; use the "Mark (ALL) Forums Read" action, and instead of a refreshed display (showing an empty list) the list of forums is shown, as if I had selected the FORUMS button. A waste of my precious, measured download volume!

Undo implementation is horrible - it removes a whole chunk at a time, and redo is not available. I wanted to remove the last word typed and instead a whole sentence (or was it a line? I won't risk testing) was deleted.

There does not seem to be a way to save a draft - you either post it, or use cut and paste to save it in another application. I could not find an option to autosave a post, whether new or a response.

I use the latest Firefox, I don't know whether the spell checker is part of XenForo or the browser, but it does not recognize many common software terms.
Undo implementation is horrible - it removes a whole chunk at a time, and redo is not available. I wanted to remove the last word typed and instead a whole sentence (or was it a line? I won't risk testing) was deleted.
How about the standard shortcut keys; Ctrl+Z for Undo and Ctrl+Y for Redo? I just changed "browser" in that last sentence to "standard" and was able to Undo just that change with Ctrl+Z and Redo it with Ctrl+Y just fine.

What you're describing sounds more like Chrome's behavior for me. Entire swaths of typed text disappears with an Undo, but a Redo usually does work to bring it all back. IE, on the other hand, seems to do just one character at a time, making undoing a long word take a LONG time. Heh

I use the latest Firefox, I don't know whether the spell checker is part of XenForo or the browser, but it does not recognize many common software terms.
I'm pretty sure that would be Firefox doing the spell checking. For words it doesn't recognize, right click it and then click "Add to dictionary" and then it'll know that word too.
Thanks for your answer!

I had clicked on Firefox' "Edit" on its toolbar; "redo" was blanked out.I just tried "undo"; the "redo" label was blanked out, but ctrl-y actually worked and restored what ctrl-z had removed. Makes me a happier camper.

I never knowingly installed Chrome, I am not even sure how to test for its presence.
Thanks for your answer!
I'm glad I could help!

I had clicked on Firefox' "Edit" on its toolbar; "redo" was blanked out.I just tried "undo"; the "redo" label was blanked out, but ctrl-y actually worked and restored what ctrl-z had removed. Makes me a happier camper.
Cool! I've never really used an Edit menu or even the Edit buttons on any toolbar for those functions, so I wouldn't have noticed that strange behavior. Heh

I never knowingly installed Chrome, I am not even sure how to test for its presence.
An icon on the Desktop would be the first clue since one is usually put there when it's installed. You could look in Add or Remove Programs for XP or Programs and Features for Vista and up also. I was more mentioning that as an aside, though.