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Permanently registering TakeCommand v8.02.106?

I can register TC v1.0.106. The registration dialog says it was a success, and later, in TC,
g:\tcmd802> ver /r

Take Command  8.02.106   Windows Vista [Version 6.1.7601]
Take Command Build 106   Windows Vista Build 7601  Service Pack 1
Registered to Vincent Fatica - 5 System License

But when I close it and re-start it, I'm back here:
Take Command  8.02.106   Windows Vista [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright 1988-2007  Rex Conn & JP Software Inc.  All Rights Reserved
This trial version has expired! You will be able to run only a limited number of com
mands in each session.

How do I make the registration stick?

FWIW, the behavior is in sharp contrast to that of 4NT v8.02.106, which has stayed registered for a very long time.
The quick answer is you can't, because v8 isn't supported in anything later than XP.

The long version is the registration scheme used in v8 was blocked by Microsoft in Vista & later. Windows is buffering the registry writes so it *appears* to work, but Windows discards everything when the app exits.

You can sometimes make it work (depending on your Windows policies) if you do it from an elevated session.
Thanks! Elevated worked.

Where is that info in the registry (if you can say). Since the 4NT reg was working, I looked for it in the registry hoping to emulate it for TC, or at least get some ideas. I couldn't find it.
Thanks! Elevated worked.

Where is that info in the registry (if you can say). Since the 4NT reg was working, I looked for it in the registry hoping to emulate it for TC, or at least get some ideas. I couldn't find it.
Yeah, I found it. I couldn't have emulated it (it's rather cryptic), but since it's in HKLM, I might have thought of trying it elevated.
OK ... the registration is now OK. But I noticed an oddity.

I can start TC v8 from explorer, or cmd, or any tcc before v21. But when I try to start TC v8 from TCC v21 or later, I get


Do you know what that's all about?
reg ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /f /v "EnableVirtualization" /t REG_DWORD /d 0
This turns off Virtual Idiocy in Vista and later.
Don't forget to remove all possibly existing cache directories ("%LocalAppData%/VirtualStore").
If that's directed at me, I don't know what you're suggesting, or what the goal is.

For some antique versions of 4NT and Take Command, there was an alternative version of the executable which wrote registration info to a file, rather than to the registry. If memory serves, it was meant for use on CD-ROMs and flash stick and the like, but it would also run fine from your hard drive.

Finding those .INI executables might be interesting, though. I don't think Rex keeps them on the web site. Klaus Meinhardt's site, perhaps?
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This turns off Virtual Idiocy in Vista and later.
Virtualization is good, and it's a key part of making poorly written or older apps work correctly with UAC.
People should not be disabling UAC or turning off these features especially nowadays.
For some antique versions of 4NT and Take Command, there was an alternative version of the executable which wrote registration info to a file, rather than to the registry. If memory serves, it was meant for use on CD-ROMs and flash stick and the like, but it would also run fine from your hard drive.

Finding those .INI executables might be interesting, though. I don't think Rex keeps them on the web site. Klaus Meinhardt's site, perhaps?

I might be lost but look towards the bottom of Download previous versions of Take Command, 4NT, and 4DOS - as it does list https://jpsoft.com/downloads/oldver/4nt802.exe
I looked up my 4nt 8.02 folder, It uses the new icons, rather than the 4dos-based ones. But you only need the INI exes to overwrite the REG version. Gosh, with different names, they both work.

Anyway, 4nt, tcmd and tci have alternate INI registration versions. You simply copy the INI version of the file into the directory, and register it. Because vista does not allow proggies to write to the \programs\ tree, do the registration elsewhere and copy the files to the install directory.

I keep a copy of 4nt 8.01 as an alternative when tcc has problems. (some of these are of my doing :) ).