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Why are the OPTION settings not sticky???

I set up the OPTION thingies in a TCC instance and I go to another TCC instance and my settings are gone. Also they do not carry over when I update to a new version of TCMD i.e. 18 to 19. This is a REAL PAIN!!!!!!!!

The file is located in c:\users\harvey\appdata\jpsoft. The file is defintiely not marked read-only. I am not sure how to check the attributes on a directory though.

This may be a new problem with build 19 though. I don't remember it being a problem with previous builds though.

The file is located in c:\users\harvey\appdata\jpsoft. The file is defintiely not marked read-only. I am not sure how to check the attributes on a directory though.

This may be a new problem with build 19 though. I don't remember it being a problem with previous builds though.

Not reproducible here with build 19. Anybody else seeing this?
O.K. I tried build 18 and it still happened there. I went back to build 13 and that one works. Strangely enough this preserved my Option settings from when I originally set it up though these did not show up in subsequent builds i.e. 18 and 19. Very strange!!

O.K. I don't have build 16, but 14 and 15 work fine. Build 17 does not work. The option settings from 13, 14, and 15 are gone when I open option in Build 17. Remember that I never go anywhere near TC.com itself other than initially registering but work only with TCC. For now I will stick with Build 15 but I hope that you will fix this.

I seem to have four TCMD.ini files.

Directory of c:\4nt2
13-May-2015 10:22:20a 1,681 tcmd.ini
Directory of c:\ProgramData\JP Software\Take Command x64 18.0
20-Jun-2015 4:37:42p 0 tcmd.ini
Directory of c:\Users\All Users\JP Software\Take Command x64 18.0
20-Jun-2015 4:37:42p 0 tcmd.ini
Directory of c:\Users\Harvey\AppData\Local\JPSoft
22-Jun-2015 11:04:42a 2,079 tcmd.ini

The first one is from TCMD17 and hasn't been written to since May. Don't know what the next two are. The last one seems to be the operational??? one. But right now I have build 17 mounted, which does not work for me.

The new default location (build 18+) is "c:\ProgramData\JP Software\Take Command x64 18.0" (the one in "all users" is a mirror that Windows sets up). If you're running build 17, it will not find the one in updater\local\jpsoft.

I'd recommend deciding on a build and then deciding on a location. Builds 18+ will (for backwards compatibility) still find & run a TCMD.INI in appdata\local\jpsoft, but I recommend removing everything except the one in \programdata.

When you run OPTION, it will display (in the title bar) the location of the TCMD.INI that TCC is using.
O.K. I removed all the TCMD.ini files except the one from Version 17 and the one in c:\users\harvey\appdata\local\jpsoft, and reinstalled Version 18 Build 19 and it seems to be working now. Apparently it got confused by those two zero length files that I do not know the origin of. I prefer that c:\4nt3 location as it is easier to access with the short file path when I want to change things. I have been using that since I started with 4dos in the late 1980s as a follow on to ZCPR. Don't know what happened but it seems to be working for the moment. Thanks for walking me through it and for your patience.
