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A WIERDO problem...

I generally like to run with three instantiations of TCC open on my desktop. If I create a batch file to open them

start /separate /max c:\4nt2\tcc.exe
start /separate /max c:\4nt2\tcc.exe
start /separate /max c:\4nt2\tcc.exe

and call it from a command line it runs fine. The three instantiations come up with medium white text on a black background as I expect. BUT if I take that batch file and create a shortcut to it on the desktop, when I call them that way the three instantiations come up with bright yellow text on a black background. What is going on?????

Oh, I get the same effect if I call the batch file by double clicking on it in its directory. Thanks for any enlightenment.

Try this:

Add a PAUSE to the end of your batch file, then double-click on it to open it from Explorer. Then click on the console window's control menu, choose "Properties" and then select the Colors tab. Select the "Screen Text" radio button and check that the default is really white. If not, you can change it and hit OK, then remove the PAUSE from the end of the batch file....
Thanks, but no joy ;-( Pause does not help and the screen color is 192,192,192 as it should be for medium white. Screen background is 0, 0, 0 as it should be for black. Pop-up text is 128, 0, 128 for light magenta and pop-up background is 255, 255, 255 for white. The offending text looks like 255. 255, 0 for bright yellow.
Wait, are you saying that the batch file itself comes up with the wrong colors, or that the three new consoles it launches have the wrong colors?

Do you get the wrong colors if you launch c:\4nt2\tcc.exe from the Start/Run menu?
There are several different ways to specify colors in TCC.

1) You can define input, output, and error colors in the OPTION dialog (OPTION / Windows).
2) You can use ANSI colors (OPTION / Windows).
3) You can set the default colors with CLS in your TCMD.INI.
4) You can define a custom palette (OPTION / Windows / Console Palette).
5) You can use the default colors defined for TCC (conhost).
6) You can use the default colors for console apps (conhost).
7) You can use the default white on black for anything that doesn't fall under 1-6 above.

You have a mismatch somewhere; without more details about your configuration it's impossible to guess where.
Wait, are you saying that the batch file itself comes up with the wrong colors, or that the three new consoles it launches have the wrong colors?

Do you get the wrong colors if you launch c:\4nt2\tcc.exe from the Start/Run menu?

The batch file runs fine; it is the consoles that come up yellow.

But I found something really interesting; it seems to be the act of starting by double-clicking from a directory that makes things come up yellow. If I do anything from a command line, it comes up white as it should. But ANYTHING from a double click, even tcc.exe, comes up yellow (except the batch file itself). I define colors only in the Windows command line properties dialogs. I have set nothing in the TC OPTION dialog boxes.
What's specified here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console for "Screen Colors"? What colors does CMD use when started via StartButton\Run?
It is 0x00000007, which I believe is low intensity white.
Yes, 0x0000007 is what you said you want. Then I suspect that there's a shortcut/link (...) somewhere with the yellow foreground. What about the subkeys of HKCR\Console? I think yellow on black would be 0x000000e. What about TCMD.INI (TCC/4NT section, StdColors)?
I installed TakeCommand 18 and the problem seems to be gone. I am not that sure that I like the ghost of TakeCommand itself flashing in the background as it installs the four instantiations of TCC but I can live with that.
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