On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 22:40:22 -0500, BillMc <>
wrote Re [Support-t-252] Forum Problem:
>Hello JP: TC Support,
>I've been trying to sent a mail to Tips & Tricks but keep on
>getting failure messages in return. Yes, I'm subscribed.
>Failure Message:
>Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
>The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
>each recipient was rejected.
> Recipient: <
[email protected]>
> Reason: 5.1.1 <
[email protected]>... User unknown
This brings up a closely related question in my mind: How does one
initiate a new thread in one of the forums via email?
I receive all the posts (such as this one) via email and can easily
reply to a thread via email by just doing a "reply" as I am doing
However how would I initiate a new thread in a forum? Is there a list
of the forum address anywhere? I just got finished looking around at
and didn't see anything about initiating a thread via email.
I found this email from rconn
== quote =The JP Software forums support both web access and email access.
If you want to receive emails of the forum messages:
Click on "User CP" in the navigation bar.
Click on "Edit forum subscriptions".
Click on the drop-down to the right of each forum you want to
subscribe to, and select the type of email subscription you want
(instant, daily digest, or weekly).
Click the update button at the bottom of the page to save your
You will now receive all messages posted to the selected forums. You
can reply to those messages or send new messages from your email app
and they will be posted to the forum.
== end quote =
Note in the last paragraph above "..or send new messages from your
email app and they will be posted..."
Send new messages to what address??
A search of the forums for the term "email" found messages that
suggested these addresses:
[email protected]
Does anyone know if they are correct? Are there others? Is there an
official list somewhere?
Thanks and Best Regards
At first they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you, then you win.