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Problem with CALL and Directory Aliases in V17

There seems to be a problem with “Directory Aliases” in version 17.

I have the following:
set jps=c:\jpsoft\startup
alias jps:=%jps

In version 16:

dir jps: and dir jps:\

Volume in drive C is unlabeled Serial number is 7a68:cdf3
Directory of C:\JPSoft\StartUp\*
10/27/2014 7:59 <DIR> .
10/27/2014 7:59 <DIR> ..
9/30/2014 10:34 4,573 aliases.ini
9/12/2014 15:31 979 arclog.btm
2/13/2014 16:08 23,465 assoc.ini
2/13/2014 16:13 45,253 associate.ini
3/03/2014 10:52 577 dir.ini
12/06/2012 10:45 4,622 directorydif.txt
9/12/2014 14:31 2,857 eKHR.ini
9/19/2014 15:26 964 eKHRaliases.ini
11/29/2012 11:46 44 ftp.cfg
2/13/2014 9:13 66,325 ftype.ini
4/23/2014 8:46 688 function.ini
2/19/2014 13:09 54 jabber.btm
9/11/2014 8:12 252 monthjobs.btm
9/11/2014 8:43 278 monthlogbackup.btm
9/18/2014 8:49 2,121 Set.ini
10/27/2014 7:36 1,400 tcstart.btm
11/24/2009 14:26 89 USBConnect.btm
11/24/2009 13:30 113 USBDisconnect.btm
2/13/2014 16:12 237 user_assoc.ini
2/13/2014 16:15 665 user_associate.ini
2/13/2014 16:11 1,735 user_ftype.ini
157,291 bytes in 21 files and 2 dirs 225,280 bytes allocated
302,236,966,912 bytes free

Version 17 is identical

But when executing the following:

Call jps:\monthjobs.btm

Version 16, executes with no problems but version 17 produces:

[16] (4366264K) c:\jpsoft\startup > call jps:\monthjobs.btm
TCC: (Sys) The directory name is invalid.

The colon, “:”, wasn’t removed during the parsing and reconstruction of the final command line to be execute.
"jps:" is contained in a file called dir.ini and defined in that file with the line:


and dir.ini is load with:

alias /r "c:\jpsoft\startup\dir.ini"

%jps is contained in file called set.ini and defined in that file with the line:


and set.ini is load with:

set /r "C:\jpsoft\startup\Set.ini"
I can't repro it.
v:\> copy avtemp.btm c:\Users\vefatica\
V:\avtemp.btm => C:\Users\vefatica\avtemp.btm
  1 file copied

v:\> set jps=c:\Users\vefatica\

v:\> alias jps:=%jps

v:\> alias jps:

v:\> call jps:avtemp.btm
(It works!)
v:\> call jps:\avtemp.btm
(It works!)
It has to something to do with the alias:

jps=pushd %jps

(no colon after the jps)

in file aliases.ini and loaded with

alias /r "C:\jpsoft\startup\aliases.ini"

I tried the following just from the command line:

c:\jpsoft\startup > set js=C:\JPSoft\StartUp
c:\jpsoft\startup > alias js:=%js
c:\jpsoft\startup > alias js=pushd %js
c:\jpsoft\startup > call js:\monthjobs.btm

and resulted in:

TCC: (Sys) The directory name is invalid.
Strangely in version 16.03.55 x64
with the following predefined

set jps=C:\JPSoft\StartUp
alias jps:=%jps
alias jps=pushd %jps


does not work and gives the error:
TCC: Unknown command "C:\JPSoft\StartUpmonthjobs.btm"

seems that without the \ after the colon the directory alias is not used.
The "jps:" and "jps" alias were add at a different time to my list of aliases. Since it worked, I assumed that the command processor parsed "jps" and " jps:" correctly but it appears that only "jps:\" is parsed correctly in V16 and in V17 neither is parsed correctly. This also means that there has been a change to how the command line is parsed between V16 and V17.

I guess I need to drop the "jps" alias.
Last edited:
The "jps:" and "jps" alias were add at a different time to my list of aliases. Since it worked, I assumed that the command processor parsed "jps" and " jps:" correctly but it appears that only "jps:\" is parsed correctly in V16 and in V17 neither is parsed correctly. This also means that there has been a change to how the command line is parsed between V16 and V17.

About 98% of the command line parsing was changed between v16 and v17. A lot of inconsistencies were removed, previously uncaught errors are now caught, and everything is faster (and smaller).
does not work and gives the error:
TCC: Unknown command "C:\JPSoft\StartUpmonthjobs.btm"

seems that without the \ after the colon the directory alias is not used.

WAD (and the directory alias *is* used) -- directory alias substitution doesn't append a \ onto the aliased directory name; that's your responsibility. Either put it in the alias definition or on the command line.