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ftp does not complete

the following .btm file

iftp ftp://r:[email protected]/taqtrade/taqtrade2007/taqtrade200706/
dir "ftp:*"
mkdir i:\taqtrades\taqtrade200706\
copy "ftp:*" i:\taqtrades\taqtrade200706\
iftp /c

does not fully download the files -- it ends with an 'interrupted' message. what am i doing wrong?

copy "ftp:*" i:\taqnbbo\taqnbbo200706\
ftp://ftp2.nysedata.com/taqnbbo/taqnbbo2007/taqnbbo200706/taqnbbo20070601.zip => I:\taqnbbo\taqnbbo200706\taqnbbo20070601.zip
TCC: E:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9\mine\donbbo200706_07.btm [6] Interrupted "/taqnbbo/taqnbbo2007/taqnbbo200706/taqnbbo20070601.zip"
rawood11 wrote:
| the following .btm file
| ...
| does not fully download the files -- it ends with an 'interrupted'
| message. what am i doing wrong?

Is there enough space on the target drive?
rawood11 wrote:

> the following .btm file
> iftp ftp://r:[email protected]/taqtrade/taqtrade2007/taqtrade200706/
> dir "ftp:*"
> mkdir i:\taqtrades\taqtrade200706\
> copy "ftp:*" i:\taqtrades\taqtrade200706\
> iftp /c
> does not fully download the files -- it ends with an 'interrupted' message. what am i doing wrong?
> copy "ftp:*" i:\taqnbbo\taqnbbo200706\
> ftp://ftp2.nysedata.com/taqnbbo/taqnbbo2007/taqnbbo200706/taqnbbo20070601.zip => I:\taqnbbo\taqnbbo200706\taqnbbo20070601.zip
> TCC: E:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9\mine\donbbo200706_07.btm [6] Interrupted "/taqnbbo/taqnbbo2007/taqnbbo200706/taqnbbo20070601.zip"

Not reproducible here. That error means that the host ftp server (not
TCC) interrupted the download.

How big are the files & how long is the download? (You may be getting
timed out by the server.)

Rex Conn
JP Software
[FOX] Ultimate Translator