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Problem with Find dialog

TCC 10.00.57 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 57 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3

If I click Start \ Run and launch TCC twice, then go to one of them
and right click and select the Find dialog, then (most) keystrokes in
the other unrelated TCC window are disabled and beep.

Jim Cook
2009 Saturdays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Sunday.
Jim Cook wrote:

> TCC 10.00.57 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
> TCC Build 57 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
> If I click Start \ Run and launch TCC twice, then go to one of them
> and right click and select the Find dialog, then (most) keystrokes in
> the other unrelated TCC window are disabled and beep.

Not reproducible here, nor can I imagine any way that this could happen
unless (1) you're running a keyboard driver that's intercepting the
keystrokes, or (2) you've found a catastrophic Windows bug that allows
one process to interfere with input to another process in an unrelated
window. (Which wouldn't be all that surprising in the console manager!)

However, even if #1 or #2 is true, it doesn't have anything to do with
TCC -- that dialog is displayed and managed by the Windows console
manager, not TCC. (You'll get the same dialog in CMD.) TCC doesn't
handle any mouse messages unless you've turned on ON xBUTTON.

Rex Conn
JP Software
>> If I click Start \ Run *and launch TCC twice, then go to one of them
>> and right click and select the Find dialog, then (most) keystrokes in
>> the other unrelated TCC window are disabled and beep.
> ---End Quote---
> Not reproducible here, nor can I imagine any way that this could happen
> unless (1) you're running a keyboard driver that's intercepting the
> keystrokes, or (2) you've found a catastrophic Windows bug that allows
> one process to interfere with input to another process in an unrelated
> window. *(Which wouldn't be all that surprising in the console manager!)
> However, even if #1 or #2 is true, it doesn't have anything to do with
> TCC -- that dialog is displayed and managed by the Windows console
> manager, not TCC. *(You'll get the same dialog in CMD.) *TCC doesn't
> handle any mouse messages unless you've turned on ON xBUTTON.

Even after I disabled TCSTART and TCMD.INI and killed most processes
in my system, it is perfectly repeatable.

In fact, if I'm running multiple TCC.EXE stand-alone sessions at the
same time as multiple CMD.EXE sessions, if I bring up a FIND dialog in
any TCC or CMD session, all TCC sessions beep and all CMD sessions
behave -- they either receive keystrokes or set the focus to the FIND
dialog, for the one that launched it.

If further inspection reveals anything else, I'll post it.

Jim Cook
2009 Saturdays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Sunday.
Jim Cook wrote:

> Even after I disabled TCSTART and TCMD.INI and killed most processes
> in my system, it is perfectly repeatable.
> In fact, if I'm running multiple TCC.EXE stand-alone sessions at the
> same time as multiple CMD.EXE sessions, if I bring up a FIND dialog in
> any TCC or CMD session, all TCC sessions beep and all CMD sessions
> behave -- they either receive keystrokes or set the focus to the FIND
> dialog, for the one that launched it.
> If further inspection reveals anything else, I'll post it.

CMD uses a different API for keyboard input, so it's not surprising that
it would behave differently.

Regardless, it's still impossible for TCC to have anything to do with
it. Have you tried contacting Microsoft?

Rex Conn
JP Software