No alias for START. So, more info, the start command is the last command in a batch file that sets a bunch of environment variables and then runs the start command. I name the one that starts tcc as starttcc.bat and the one that starts cmd as startcmd.bat. I usually run them in Take Command.
Because Take Command is set to Auto attach consoles, the startcmd.bat opens outside take command and then attaches to a tab, and the title appears correctly and is the active tab.
When I run starttcc.bat from within take command, it opens in a tab that is inactive and does not display the title.
If I update the starttcc.bat file to do the following as the last two lines, it opens in an inactive tab and displays the title:
start "MWS Build Command Prompt (TCC)" /D %BUILD_HOME% "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD\TCC.EXE"
title MWS Build Command Prompt (TCC)
So, at this point, this is progress, even though I need the title command, but the tab is inactive. How do I get the batch file to make the tab active?
Secondarily, is it not possible to replicate the cmd behavior which becomes an active tab and displays the title (without requiring the title command)?