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How to? Install TCMD for ALL users

On my Win7/64b system I have two login names, both administrator, one of them elevated, the other not. The elevated login can run both TCC32 and TCC64, but the unelevated login reports "trial expired for both. What do I need to do to fix this? BTW, I intend to add a non-admiinsitrator account, too, to test.

I have the same issue on my WinXP Pro laptop - when I log in under an alternate user name (non-administrator) it reports unregistered. It is not reporting "trial expired" because this was the first time I tried TCC under the alternate user name. Can I register TCMD for all users under WinXP?
Normal registration is per-user, not per system. If you want to register for all users in Windows 7 or 8, click the checkbox on the registration dialog.

As the help says, you cannot register for all users under Windows XP. (Windows XP limitation -- you can complain to Microsoft. But they won't care.)
I have a 5-system license. Does each registered user on the XP system count as a user, or does TC recognize that they are all on a single system? The same question for Win7, but with the addition of 32b v. 64b - do they count individually, or does the system itself count only?
I have a 5-system license. Does each registered user on the XP system count as a user, or does TC recognize that they are all on a single system? The same question for Win7, but with the addition of 32b v. 64b - do they count individually, or does the system itself count only?

Each registered user counts against the total number of licenses. Having both 32-bit and 64-bit does not count.
Ouch! On my laptop (XP) I set up two accounts - both for myself, one as administrator, the other limited. If I delete the limited account, does that automatically make it available on another system?

On Win7 (and presumably all later OS-es) does registering for "all users" count as 1 system, or as many systems as there are registered users on that 1 system?
Ouch! On my laptop (XP) I set up two accounts - both for myself, one as administrator, the other limited. If I delete the limited account, does that automatically make it available on another system?

No, you have to ask JP Software to remove it from the registration server. (We used to allow users to delete it themselves, which generated 20 times the work when they would then email us saying they unregistered and now couldn't find their key.)

On Win7 (and presumably all later OS-es) does registering for "all users" count as 1 system, or as many systems as there are registered users on that 1 system?
